Black Cleaning Solution and Activation Powder
This is solution for anti-breeze bank notes, designed to remove excess coated substance. This universal solution work better when combine with activation powder. You will be amazed by the power and rapidity of this solution. It is capable of cleaning notes currency with breeze capacity Black Cleaning Solution and Activation Powder
Someone gives you an opportunity to obtain “black money” that “just needs a cleaning solution” (the common names include – but are not limited to – “Synthetic Surfactant Detergent“, “SSD Solution”, “Vectrol Paste”, “Lactima Base” and “microtectine”) to become useable bank notes. The person who provided you the alleged money – or their partner – offers to sell you the “cleaning solution” at a seemingly reasonable price (which you’d “earn back” by making the money useable again).
SSD Solution is the main chemical used in cleaning stained and coated currency. It is mainly found in 1 litre, 1,5litre and two litre metal insulated containers. it is necessary to keep it in such SSD Solution is a milky white liquid chemical Compound used in the cleaning of black stained notes, this chemical compound can be enhanced by adding other catalyst oxides and can be diluted with paste to increase its pool of cleaning, to increase the number of bills you are to clean.